Science 5(1):CLS1-5, 2010

Intensity Modulated Radiation
(IMRT) for Thyroid Cancer

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1Aruna Turaka, MD, 2Tianyu Li, MS, 5Jian Q. Yu, MD, FRCPC,
1Nicos Nicolaou, MD, 3Barbara Burtness, MD, 4Miriam N. Lango,
4John A. Ridge, MD, FACS., and 1Steven J. Feigenberg, MD*

1Departments of Radiation Oncology, 2Biostatistics,
3Medical Oncology, 4Surgical Oncology, and 5Nuclear Medicine.
Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA.,
*University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD.

*Corresponding Author:
Steven. J. Feigenberg, MD
Clinical Research Director, Department of Radiation Oncology
University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD 21201
Tel: 410-328-2326 Fax: 410-328-0691 email:
Abstract. Objective: To evaluate outcomes and toxicities in patients with thyroid
cancer treated with intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT). Methods:
This was a single institution retrospective review of 10 patients with thyroid
cancer treated with IMRT at Fox
Chase Cancer Center between May 2001
and June 2008. The median age was 69
years. Among the 10 patients, seven
had papillary carcinoma, two had T3
and 8 had T4 disease, eight had N1
disease, and two had distant
metastases. Radioactive iodine was
given to all patients, while the
median radiotherapy (RT) dose was 60
Gy. Results: Median follow up was
28.5 months (range: 4.5-to-50.6
months). The Kaplan-Meier estimates
of 3-year local control, locoregional control, and overall
survival rates 90%, 90%, and 80%,
respectively. Nine patients had
grade 2 skin toxicity, 10 had grade
2 pharyngitis/esophagitis, 2 had
grade 2 laryngitis, and 3 had grade
3 laryngitis. Few grade 2 or 3 late
toxicities were observed.
Conclusions: IMRT is effective in
the postoperative setting for the
postoperative treatment of thyroid
cancer. Long-term follow-up is still
needed to assess the incidence of
late toxicities.
Keywords • IMRT • Thyroid cancer •
Radio-iodine therapy • RT toxicities

Turaka, A., Li, T., Yu, J.Q., Nicolaou, N., Burtness, B., Lango, M.N., Ridge, J.A.,
Feigenberg, S.J.: Intensity
modulated radiation
(IMRT) for thyroid cancer.
Science 5(1):CLS1-5, 2010.
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