Thyroid Science 1(12):DB1-DB8, 2006

The Linguistic Etiologies of
Thyroxine-Resistant Hypothyroidism

Eric K. Pritchard

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Contact: Eric Pritchard,
thyroxine resistant victims of hypothyroidism are not suffering because
there is no treatment available—the Food and Drug Administration approved
and indicated them long ago. These victims are suffering because the
proper treatments are not considered—linguistic etiologies keep the
science of "exo-endocrine" (outside of the endocrine system)
hypothyroidism beyond the reach of the practicing physician with the
confusion of "overinclusion" (identical treatment of two classes that
burdens one excessively). This confusion begins with two definitions for
"hypothyroidism," thyroid-centric" and "symptom-oriented," which are
related to thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3),
respectively. Although the hypothyroidism paradigm concentrates upon the
thyroid and thyroxine, the active hormone in the tissue cells is triiodothyronine. The claimed intimate relationship between inadequate
thyroid secretion and the symptoms of hypothyroidism has been distanced by
scientific discoveries of exo-endocrine hormone operations. Symptoms do
not imply endo-endocrine (within the endocrine system) etiologies only
The confusion of overinclusion hides the exo-endocrine hormone
operations, their potential for failure, and their importance. Different
hormones and etiologies demand different diagnostics and hormone
The confusion of overinclusion continues in the coverup for
thyroxine-resistant treatment failures. Counter intuitively and contrary
to research, laboratory assays and the exo-endocrine hormone operations
are declared infallible. Fallacious logic reassigns continuing symptoms to
"normal" somatic etiologies. Definition confusion allows endo-endocrine
test results to be erroneously applied to exo-endocrine etiologies.
Baisier, et al., published an empirical study of thyroxine resistant
patients and found success in using an indicated, FDA approved, and
available therapy. These sufferers need the resolution of this confusion
so they can regain their lives. The linguistic etiologies must be
eliminated so that people needing different treatments are treated
differently and properly.
KEY WORDS. hypothyroidism, exo-endocrine,
thyroxine-resistant, Baisier, continuing symptoms, basal temperature,
nonspecific symptoms, combination therapy, guideline, overinclusion.
Pritchard, E.K.: The
linguistic etiologies of thyroxine-resistant
hypothyroidism. Thyroid Science, 1(12):DB1-DB8, 2006.
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© 2006 Thyroid Science