Thyroid Science 6(4):1-9, 2011
The Impact of Diabetes
on Thyroid Dysfunction and
Outcomes in a Native Indian Female Population

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Nima V. Thakkar, PhD and
Sunita M. Jain, PhD

Department of Pharmacology,
College of Pharmacy,
Ahmedabad-380009, Gujarat, India
Corresponding Author: Dr. Nima
Postal Address: Department of
Pharmacology, L.M.
College of Pharmacy, Gujarat
University, Navarangpura,
Ahmedabad. 380009
Facsimile number: +91-9769995520
E-mail Address:
Introduction: In the present
study, the prevalence and pattern of
thyroid dysfunction in an Indian
female population with type 2
diabetes mellitus (T2D) were
assessed. The aim was to find the
correlation and comparison between
these two major metabolic disorders.
Methods: The study was a
population-based survey of the
prevalence of thyroid dysfunction in
the T2D population. Participants in
the study were 137 eligible females
aged between 30-to-70 years. The
biochemical parameters were body
mass index (BMI), glycemic control
(fasting and post prandial blood
glucose levels, glycated haemoglobin
A1c), and a thyroid profile (TSH,
free T3, and free T4). These
parameters were measured and
compared with the normal population.
Medication compliance was also
taking medications for both the
conditions (T2D and
hypothyroidism[HO]) showed
controlled biochemical
investigations compared to patients
suffering from individual disorders;
patients with both disorders had
therapeutic stability. Conclusion:
This study suggests that in the
female population, T2D and HO are
prevalent both individually and
jointly. Further, there seems to be
a good comparison between patients
who have one of the metabolic
disorders and those who have only
one of them. The significant
correlation positive between insulin
use by T2D patients and disease
complications was positive, and the
correlation between hyperthyroidism
and BMI was significantly negative.
Age positively correlated with HbA1c
and T2D duration. A significant
correlation between T2D and HO was
not established in this study.
However, unsuspected/undiagnosed HO
may be a matter of consideration for
T2D patients.
Keywords • type 2 diabetes • hypothyroidism • metabolic disorder •
prevalence • body mass index
Thakkar, N.V. and Jain, S.M.: The
impact of diabetes on thyroid
dysfunction and outcomes in a native
Indian female population. Thyroid
Science, 6(4):1-9, 2011.
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Thyroid Science |