Science 5(4):CLS1-7, 2010

Assessment of Thyroid Function and
Leptin Hormone in Women with
Hyperemesis Gravidarum

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Hussein Abdel Hai El Orabi,1
Inas Mohamed Sabry,1
Ahmed Mohamed Awad Allah,2 Alshymaa Alsayed Abd Alkhalek1

1Department of Internal Medicine; Endocrine Unit,
2Department of Gynecology and obstetric,
Ain Shams University; Cairo, Egypt

*Corresponding Author: Inas Mohamed
Sabry Mohamed El Nabrawy MD,
Endocrine unit, Internal Medicine Department, Ain Shams University
Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University. Abbassia, Cairo, Egypt.
Address: 8 Nasr Street, 1st May Buildings, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt.
Tel: +2 0101780318 Fax: +2. 24845647
Email: inassabry27@gmail.com,
Abstract. Background.
Several studies have suggested that
hyperemesis gravidarum in early
pregnancy is related to women’s
levels of thyroid hormones, human
chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), and
serum leptin. To ascertain this
relationship, we investigated 50
pregnant women in the first
trimester. Twenty subjects had
morning sickness, 20 had hyperemesis
gravidarum, and 10 were healthy
pregnant women who served as control
Methods. The enzyme
immunoassay method was used to
measure all subjects’ serum levels
of T3 (pg/mL), T4 (ng/dL), TSH (µIU/mL),
antithyroid peroxidase (anti-TPO)
antibodies (IU/ml), and leptin (ng/mL).
Serum β hCG was quantitatively
Results. There was a
statistically significant difference
between the three studied groups as
regards serum free T4 (p < 0.05),
but there was no difference as
regards serum free T3, TSH, anti-TPO,
and serum β-hCG (p > 0.05). Serum
leptin was significantly higher (p <
0.001) in the hyperemesis gravidarum
and vomiting group compared to the
healthy control group, with a
non-significant difference between
pregnant women with hyperemesis
gravidrum and those with vomiting (p
> 0.05). Correlation analysis showed
that the only significant positive
correlation was between serum T3 and
serum leptin (p < 0.05) in
hyperemesis gravidarum. No
significant correlation was found
between β-hCG and thyroid hormones,
antithyroid antibodies, and serum
leptin in pregnant women with
morning sickness and hyperemesis
gravidarum (p > 0.05).
Our results suggest that serum
leptin levels are involved in the
pathogenesis of hyperemesis
gravidarum. No significant role was
detected for thyroid hormones, serum
β-hCG, or anti-TPO in patients with
hyperemesis gravidarum.
• Hyperemesis gravidarum • hCG •
Leptin • Pregnancy • T3 • T4 •
Thyroid hormone
El Orabi, H.A.H.,
Sabry, I.M., Allah, A.M.A., Alkhalek,
A.A.A.: Assessment of thyroid
function and leptin hormone in women
with hyperemesis gravidarum.
Thyroid Science, 5(4):1-7, 2010.
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