Science 5(2):CLS1-5, 2010

Study of Thyroid Auto-Antibodies in
with Bronchial Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis

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Mohammed Fahamy Abd El-Aziz,1
Maged Mohamed Rafaat,2
Inas Mohamed Sabry,1* Mohamed Yousef,3 Amira

1Endocrine and Diabetes
Unit, Internal Medicine Department, Ain Shams University,
2Allergy Unit, Internal Medicine Department, Ain Shams
3Clinical Pathology Department, Ain Shams University,
4Misr University for Technology and Science, Cairo, Egypt.

*Corresponding Author: Inas Mohamed
Sabry Mohamed El Nabrawy MD,
Endocrine unit, Internal Medicine Department, Ain Shams University
Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University. Abbassia, Cairo; Egypt.
Address: 8 Nasr Street, 1st May Buildings, Nasr City; Cairo, Egypt.
Tel: +2 0101780318 Fax: +2. 24845647

Abstract. Background: Few
reports stated that autoimmunity in
patients with allergic rhinitis had
increased frequency of Grave's
disease. Moreover, it had been
clarified that the association of
seasonal allergic rhinitis was
frequent in Grave's disease and rare
in painless
thyroiditis. Little is known about
relation between thyroid disease and
allergic diseases.
Aim of the
Work: is to study of
coexistence of thyroid
auto-antibodies in patients with
bronchial asthma and allergic
Methods: 40 patients with
allergic diseases (20 patients with
bronchial asthma [BA], and 20
patients with allergic rhinitis
[AR]) and 20 healthy control
subjects were included in the study.
Free triiodothyronine (FT3), free
thyroxin (FT4) by radioimmunoassay (RIA)
and thyroid stimulating hormone
(TSH); Thyroid auto-antibodies
[anti-thyroid peroxidase (anti-TPO)and
anti-thyroglobulin (anti-TG) ] by
Enzyme- linked Immunosorbent Assay
(ELISA); complete blood picture;
allergic skin tests; and peak
expiratory flow rate measured by
spirometry were done.
Thyroid auto-antibodies levels were
higher in patients with BA and AR in
comparison with healthy subjects (P
< 0.05). While, there was no
significant difference as regard
thyroid profiles (FT3, FT4, and
TSH). Also, there was non
significant difference as regards
thyroid auto-antibodies were found
between BA and AR (P > 0.05).
Autoimmune process may be associated
with allergic disease but this is
not enough to induce changes in
thyroid profiles.
• Anti-thyroglobulin • Anti-thyroid
peroxidase antibody • Allergic
diseases • thyroid hormones IgE
M.F.A., Rafaat, M.M., Sabry, I.M.,
Yousef, M., and Mandour, A.:
of Thyroid auto-antibodies in
patients with bronchial asthma and
allergic rhinitis.
Thyroid Science,
5(2):CLS1-5, 2010.
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