Thyroid Science 3(10):CLS1-6, 2008

Prevalence of
Thyroid Dysfunction and
Its Effect on Serum Lipid Profiles in a
Murzok, Libya Population

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Ali M. Nouh, Ibrahim A.
M. Eshnaf, and Mohamed A. Basher

Sebha University Faculty of
Engineering and Technology
Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences

Contact: Ali M. Nouh
The objective of this study was to
assess the prevalence of thyroid dysfunction and its correlation with
serum hyperlipidemia among the adult population of Murzok City, Libya.
Blood samples were collected randomly from 356 subjects (179 male and
177 female) in the age range of 20-to-65 years. The blood was analyzed
for the levels of total T3, total T4, free T4 and TSH by
electrochemiluminescence immunoassay (ECLIA). Lipid levels of total
cholesterol, triacylglycerol (TAG), LDL, and HDL were measured using the
enzymatic colorimetric method.
The prevalence of thyroid
dysfunction types was the following: overt hyperthyroidism (0.84%),
subclinical hyperthyroidism (0.84%), overt hypothyroidism (1.12%), and
subclinical hypothyroidism (6.18%). Also, thyroid dysfunction was more
common in females (0.56%,
0.84%, 0.84%, and 4.21%) than in males (0.28%, 0.00%, 0.28%, and
1.97%).We found a higher prevalence of subclinical hypothyroidism (27%)
among the subjects with hypercholesterolemia. We also found a
significant negative correlation between subjects with normal T3 and
hypercholesterolemia (P<0.05), and a significant positive correlation
between subjects with 4 high T and HDL (P<0.05).
Keywords. Hypercholesterolemia • Libya • T3 • T4 • Thyroid
dysfunction prevalence
• Triacylglycerol • TSH
Nouh, A.M., Ibrahim A. M.
Eshnaf, I.A.M., and Basher, M.A.: Prevalence of thyroid dysfunction and
effect on serum lipid profiles in a Murzok, Libya population.
Science, 3(10):CLS1-6, 2008.

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