Thyroid Science 6(2):1-15, 2011

The Role of iodine in the
Thyroid Status of
Mothers and Their Neonates

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Rabindra Nath Das

Department of Statistics, The
University of Burdwan, Burdwan,
West Bengal, India
Dr. R.N. Das, Associate
Professor, Department of
The University of Burdwan,
Burdwan, W.B., India; E-mail:
Dr. John C. Lowe's Editorial
Introduction to Prof. Das' Paper
It is
well known that iodine is an
indispensable component of thyroid
hormones. The discovery of iodine
deficiency and its adverse effects
upon human beings is an instructive
example of the transfer of
scientific and medical knowledge to
the benefit of the public health.
Physicians have known for more than
a century that deficient iodine
intake is associated with endemic
goiter, cretinism, and that it
increases neonatal mortality. In
this paper, statistical analysis is
used to objectively verify the
mathematical relationships of
deficient maternal urinary iodine to
the results of thyroid function
tests (T3, T4, and TSH) of both
low-iodine mothers and their
neonates. In general, complex
functional systems, such as human
physiological mechanisms, are more
easily interpreted based on true
mathematical models. The
mathematical relationships of the
multiple variables analyzed in this
paper are established by the
statistical method of joint
generalized linear modeling. The
results of the statistical analysis
are highly relevant to the
diagnostic and therapeutic practices
of clinicians who attend to pregnant
women, their in utero embryos and
fetuses, the womens neonates after
delivery, and by extension, the
developmental (especially
neurological) well-being of the
offsprings as they mature. The
analysis establishes relationships
important to the health and
well-being of both mothers and their
neonates; simultaneously, it shows
the exceptional utility of the
statistical method of joint
generalized linear modeling.
Hyperthyroidism Hypothyroidism
Iodine Joint generalized linear
model Structured dispersion
Thyroid functions Urinary iodine
Das, R.N.: The role of iodine in the
thyroid status of mothers and their
neonates. Thyroid Science,
6(2):1-15, 2011.
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