Thyroid Science 3(11):E11-12, 2008

Weight Gain and the TSH:
Prevention Writer's Good Deed

Dr. John C. Lowe
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In the
August 2008 issue of Prevention magazine, writer Julian Kesner[1]
brought an important issue to Prevention readers’ attention. The issue
is one of extreme concern to many hypothyroid patients—that is, weight
gain despite “in-range” TSH levels.
In addressing this issue, Julian Kesner cited an important study. The
study vindicates countless hypothyroid patients who have failed to
convince their clinicians that their weight gain was not from lack of
exercise or fattening food intake. Literally hundreds of patients have
told me they complained to their clinicians about accumulating fat after
going on T4 replacement—the thyroid hormone therapy that keeps the TSH
in range. Invariably, the patients have expressed frustration at their
clinicians’ cavalier assurance: “Your TSH is in range, so your thyroid
is fine; you just need to exercise more and cut back on calories.”
That many patients have found these assurances frustrating is
understandable. Some of the patients, for example, were actively
teaching aerobics classes several time each week, and they subsisted on
a virtual caveman diet.
An example I’ll never forget was an intelligent 35-year-old man who was
very physically active because he trained management executives. He was
concerned about the 50 lbs, mostly belly fat, that he had gained within
two years after starting T4 replacement with Synthroid. He was highly
motivated to lose the belly fat, as he felt it might affect his
credibility with the executives he trained. As part of the executives’
training, he included presentations on the exercise of will power and
tempered restraint in dealing with employees. “Every time I do a
presentation on will power and restraint,” he said, “I’m distracted by
the thought that the executives in the audience are questioning whether
I can restrain myself from eating too much.”
After he had begun to gain
weight, this man—who already worked out four days each week at a
gym—increased his visits to six days each week. He worked out with
weights for an hour, and for another hour, he cross-trained at high
intensity on several aerobic exercise machines. Unfortunately, none of
this helped him lose the extra weight. The solution for him was to
switch to natural desiccated thyroid, taking enough to suppress his TSH
level. Within three months, he lost all his excess weight. At one year
follow-up, his abdomen was flat, his family physician told me the man
was apparently healthy in every respect, and in a phone conversation,
the man told me that his extraordinarily healthy condition was entirely
consistent with the will power and restraint he taught executives.
In the study that Julian Kesner cited, Fox et a1.[2]
included 2,407 Americans. The study subjects’ TSH levels were all
in-range. The researchers found that at baseline, the average body
weight of women with TSH levels in the lowest quarter of the range was
142.2 lbs (64.5 kg); the average weight of women in the highest quarter
of the range was 154.8 lbs (70.2 kg). The average weight of men whose
TSH levels were in the lowest quarter of the range was 182.5 lbs (82.8
kg), and men in the highest quarter of the range weighed on average
188.7 lbs (85.6 kg). That is, the higher the TSH levels, the heavier the
people were.
Fox et al. noted that with increased TSH levels, women gained more
weight than men did, although both sexes gained. The researchers
conjectured that women may accumulate more fat because fat oxidation is
faster in men. At follow-up 3.5 years later, increases of the TSH level
within the reference range “was strongly and linearly associated with
weight gain.”
The concluding statements of Fox et al. are worth repeating: “In
conclusion, thyroid function (as assessed by serum TSH concentrations)
within the reference range is associated with body weight in both sexes.
Our findings raise the possibility that modest increases in serum TSH
concentrations within the reference (physiologic) range may be
associated with weight gain.”
Other researchers have also reported that TSH levels—even in-range
levels—were associated with obesity. A study of 4,082 Danish people with
reference range TSH levels showed a positive correlation between the TSH
levels and body mass index.[3]
The researchers concluded, “Even slightly elevated serum TSH levels are
associated with an increase in the occurrence of obesity.” (Italics
Turkish researchers studied 226 obese or overweight female patients with
in-range TSH and thyroid hormone levels.[4]
The researchers found that obese females had higher TSH levels than lean
females. The investigators also found a statistically significant
positive correlation between TSH levels and body weight, waist size, and
fasting insulin levels. They concluded, “This study strongly supports
existing, but contradictory, evidence that TSH levels are positively
correlated with the degree of obesity and some of its metabolic
consequences in overweight people with normal thyroid function.”
(Italics mine.)
The three studies I mention above were published in 2005,[3]
and 2008.[2]
They were published in the long-gone wake of a 2000 report from the
journal Thyroid.[5]
In that study, which has largely been ignored by the endocrinology
specialty, researchers compared the treatment of hypothyroid patients to
that of thyroid cancer patients. They found that hypothyroid patients on
T4 replacement doses (dosages of thyroxine that keep the TSH within
range) gained weight. In contrast, thyroid cancer patients didn’t take
replacement doses of T4; instead, they took doses of T4 high enough to
suppress their TSH levels. And they didn’t gain weight. The researchers
concluded that T4 replacement was in fact the cause of the hypothyroid
patients’ weight gain: “The excessive weight gain in patients becoming
hypothyroid after destructive therapy for Graves’ disease suggests that
restoration of serum TSH to the reference range by T4 alone may
constitute inadequate hormone replacement.”
In his Prevention magazine article, Julian Kesner made a few
technical errors, ones likely to be made by anyone new to clinical
thyroidology. Those few errors, however, are far outweighed by the high
merit of his journalistic deed—heralding in the popular press a research
finding that can bring solace to people who have gained weight they
cannot lose despite having in-range TSH levels. Hopefully the news will
also enlighten some of the clinicians who mistakenly assure patients
that an in-range TSH level means it is impossible that weight gain is
related to too little regulation by thyroid hormone. If clinicians will
heed the research findings and correct this common mistake in clinical
care, they will better serve those patients whose weight gain is
associated with TSH levels that have risen within the reference range.

1. Kesner, J.: Thyroid and weight gain: your weight-fate hormone: take
another look at your thyroid.
Prevention, Aug. 2008.

2. Fox, C.S., Pencina, M.J., and D’Agostino, R.B.: Relations of thyroid
function to body weight cross-sectional and longitudinal observations in
a community-based sample. Arch. Intern. Med., 168(6):587-592,

3. Knudsen, N., Laurberg, P., Rasmussen, L.B., et al.: Small differences
in thyroid function may be important for body mass index and the
occurrence of obesity in the population. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab.,
90(7): 4019-4024, 2005.

4. Bastemir, M., Akin, F., Alkis, E., et al.: Obesity is associated with
increased serum TSH level, independent of thyroid function. Swiss.
Med. Wkly., 137(29-30):431- 434, 2007.

5. Tigas, S., Idiculla, J., Beckett, G., et al.: Is excessive weight
gain after ablative treatment of hyperthyroidism due to inadequate
thyroid hormone therapy? Thyroid, 10(12):1107-1111, 2000.
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