Thyroid Science
6(11)CR1-5, 2011

Autoimmune Thyroiditis:
Correlation of
Cytomorphology with Drug History
and Clinical Implications
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Somanath Padhi, MD,1*
Renu G’Boy Varghese, MD, DNB1
Anita Ramdas,1 MD, Kulwant Singh, MD,1
Jayaprakash Sahoo, MD, DM,2
Mark C Arokiaraj, MD, DM,3
Department of 1Pathology,
2Endocrinology, and 3Cardiology,
Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences,
Ganapathychettykulam, Kalapet, Puducherry, India, 605014
Author: Dr Somanath Padhi, MD
Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology
Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences
Kalapet, Puducherry, India, 605014
Phone: 91 0413 2656271 Fax: 91 0413 2656273
Abstract. Background:
The cytopathologist plays an important role in the evaluation of thyroid
cytomorphology in various neoplastic and non-neoplastic conditions.
However, thyroid cytomorphology and the clinical implications of drug
usage have rarely been discussed. Nonetheless, drugs used for different
non-thyroid conditions may influence the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid
axis and cause diverse cytomorphological patterns on aspiration smears.
Clinicians should be informed of the presence or absence of specific
underlying thyroid abnormalities detected on cytosmears which may
warrant complete drug withdrawal, dose reduction, or change to different
drug combinations. Besides these outcomes, interpreting thyroid
cytomorphology, without a prior knowledge of antithyroid drug therapy,
can be challenging and lead to misdiagnoses of neoplasm or malignancy.
Cases: We present the thyroid cytomorphology of 3
different patients, each of whom was receiving a different drug (amiodarone,
carbimazole, and carbamazepine) with biochemical, serological, and
ultrasound correlations. We also briefly review the relevant literature.
We conclude that a proper drug history is important while interpreting
thyroid cytology in different clinical settings.
● Amiodarone ● Carbimazole ● Carbamazepine ●
Cytomorphology ● Drugs ● Thyroid
Citation: Padhi, S., Varghese, R.G'B.,
Ramdas, A., Singh, K., Sahoo, J.,
Arokiaraj, M.C.: Autoimmune
thyroiditis: Correlation of
cytomorphology with drug history and
clinical implications. Thyroid
Science, 6(11):CR1-5, 2011.
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