Abstract. Only 150 cases of
struma ovarii (i.e., goiter of the ovary) have been reported in the
medical literature. The condition is characterized by the presence of
thyroid tissue in an ovarian tumor, typically as a part of a teratoma.
We report the first case of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis concurrent with
struma ovarii, a thyroid gland with Hürthle cells, and positive
antithyroid antibodies despite reference range thyroid function test
Case Report.
A young woman presented to the office with pelvic pain. Ultrasound revealed a complex right ovarian mass.
The mass was surgically removed, and biopsy revealed struma ovarii with Hashimoto’s
thyroiditis. After surgery, the patient’s thyroid stimulating hormone
level decreased into to within the reference range. Her free T4 and free
T3 are within their reference ranges, although her thyroid peroxidase
and antithyroglobulin levels are elevated. She continues to remain
asymptomatic with reference range thyroid function test results. We
recommend that physicians maintain a high index of suspicion this struma
ovarii in young patients who present with an ovarian mass, as resolution
of thyroid function abnormalities can be achieved by surgical removal of
the ovarian mass.
Key Words. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis • Hürthle
cells • Immunohistochemical stain • Struma ovarii • Teratoma
Meenakshisundaram, L. and Bingham, J.: Struma ovarii: case report and
review. Thyroid Science, 5(10):1-4, 2010.