Thyroid Science
6(10)CR1-3, 2011

Papillary Carcinoma in a
Thyroglossal Duct Cyst:
A Case Report, Review of Literature, and
Diagnostic Pitfalls in Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology
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Narayani Joshi, MD1 and B.P. Nag, MD2
1Mahatma Gandhi Medical
College & Hospital Jaipur, Department of Pathology
2Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Hospital Jaipur
Author: Dr. B.P.Nag
D-174, Vineet Marg, Bapu Nagar, Jaipur (Rajasthan) 302015
Phone no.: 09828087246 E-mail:
Abstract. The
incidence of papillary carcinoma arising in a thyroglossal duct cyst is
rare and occurs less than 1% of thyroglossal cysts. We report a case of
cystic swelling in the mid-line neck in a young female patient. Fine
needle aspiration of the cyst revealed colloid material and macrophages
CT scan showed a cystic lesion with calcification. Histopathological
examination of the cyst showed papillary carcinoma of the thyroid gland.
Keywords ●
Papillary carcinoma ● Thyroglossal duct cyst ● Psammoma bodies
Joshi, N. and Nag, B.P.: Papillary carcinoma in a
thyroglossal duct cyst: A case
report, review of literature, and
diagnostic pitfalls in fine needle
aspiration cytology. Thyroid
Science, 6(10)CR1-3, 2011.
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