Thyroid Science
6(10)CR1-4, 2011

Primary Hypothyroidism
Associated with
Hyperprolactinemia and Pituitary Macroadenoma
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Dragana Jokic, MD and Xiangbing Wang, MD, PhD
Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism,
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
University of Medicine and Dentistry
New Brunswick, New Jersey
Corresponding Author: Xiangbing Wang, MD, PhD FACE
Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism & Nutrition
Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital-UMDNJ
MEB 384B, 1 RWJ Place, P.O. Box 19. New Brunswick, NJ 08903
Phone (732) 235-7751 Fax (732) 235-7069 E-mail:
Objective: Our purpose is report a case of primary
hypothyroidism associated with hyperprolactinemia and pituitary
macroadenoma. Background: We present
the case report, including detailed laboratory and radiological findings
in 28 year old woman. In primary hypothyroidism there is hyperplasia of
both thyrotrophs and lactotrophs as a response to TRH hypersecretion.
The hyperplasia can result in significant enlargement of the pituitary
gland and can be mistaken for a prolactin-secreting tumor.
Case: We report the case of a female
patient who presented with amenorrhea of 7-months duration and was found
by her gynecologist to have elevated prolactin. The initial MRI showed a
1.7 cm pituitary mass which was treated initially by cabergoline. Due to
the patients noncompliance and lack of follow up, the patient remained
on cabergoline for 6 months and did not do thyroid function tests.
Finally, after 6 months, a follow up MRI showed no change in size of her
pituitary mass. Also, blood tests showed profound hypothyroidism, and
after 6 month of thyroid replacement therapy, the patient was euthyroid.
A repeated MRI of the brain showed complete resolution of the pituitary
mass. Result: This case emphasizes the importance of evaluation of
thyroid function in cases of elevated prolactin and gonadal dysfunction.
Despite a lack of the typical clinical presentation of hypothyroidism,
resolution of the patient’s symptoms and disappearance of her pituitary
macroadenoma confirms the diagnosis. Conclusion:
This case illustrates that primary hypothyroidism can present with
amenorrhea and pituitary mass.
Keywords ● Amenorrhea ●
Hyperprolactinemia ● Hypothyroidism ● Pituitary
macroadenoma ● Prolactin
Citation: Jokic, D. and Wang,X.:
Primary hypothyroidism associated with
hyperprolactinemia and pituitary macroadenoma. Thyroid Science,
6(10):CR1-4, 2011. |
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