Thyroid Science 6(1):1-3, 2011

Grave’s Ophthalmopathy in
the Absence of
Abnormal Thyroid Hormone and Thyrotropin Levels and
Thyrotropin Receptor Antibody

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Yanai1 and Hiroko Yamazaki2
1Department of Internal
National Center for Global
Health and Medicine,
Kohnodai Hospital, Ichikawa,
Chiba 272-8516, Japan.
2Department of Ophthalmology,
National Center for Global
Health and Medicine,
Kohnodai Hospital, Ichikawa,
Chiba 272-8516, Japan.
Corresponding author:
Hidekatsu Yanai, M.D., Ph.D.,
The Head, Department of Internal
Medicine, National Center for
Global Health and Medicine,
Kohnodai Hospital, Ichikawa,
Chiba 272-8516, Japan,
onset of Grave’s ophthalmopathy is
in most cases concomitant with the
onset of hyperthyroidism. Grave’s
ophthalmopathy and Graves’
hyperthyroidism are closely
associated and thought to be caused
by thyrotropin receptor antibodies.
Here we will show a patient with
Grave’s ophthalmopathy demonstrated
by magnetic resonance imaging, but
who showed normal thyroid hormone
and thyrotoropin levels and the
absence of thyrotropin receptor
antibodies. Interestingly, the
patient was seen on two occasions 10
years apart with a similar clinical
presentation. During the patient’s
second evaluation, she was found to
be positive for thyroid stimulating
antibodies; this was the only
indication for diagnosing the
patient as having Graves’ disease.
Keywords • Grave’s ophthalmopathy • Hyperthyroidism • Thyrotropin
receptor antibody • Thyroid
stimulating antibody
H. and and Yamazaki, H.: Grave’s
ophthalmopathy in the absence of
abnormal thyroid hormone and
thyrotropin levels and thyrotropin
receptor antibody. Thyroid
Science, 6(1):1-3, 2011.
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